Sunday, August 10, 2008

We speak Spanish?

Apparently, Brett and I have been taking Spanish lessons in all of our spare time! The other day I decided that we were getting a little stir crazy and needed to get out of the house. So, we all load up in the Berridge Limousine (as my dad calls it) and Brett and I begin to discuss where we can go. I told Brett, "Well, we could go to T-A-R-G-E-T, but then we'd have to buy P-O-P-C-O-R-N." (They have a cheap popcorn/drink deal if you don't know!) Jefferson then asks, "Daddy, Why are you and Mommy talking Spanish!" Of course, Brett and I cracked up! Jefferson asked what was so funny? I said, "You are!"

I love the funny things kids say!


Laura said...

HAHAHA Right now, Stephen and I don't have to speak Spanish, but we better start learning. Time is flying by quickly!

cmjj said...

That's great!! We have a funny Target snack bar story. Whenever we go Jordan HAS to get an Icee, so the other day Chris went with us too and he let her do the machine by herself. Needless to say, there was Icee EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!

Jason and Stephanie Trook said...

That's hilarious! Thanks for letting my kids come play with the Williams at your house today!