Wednesday, December 3, 2008

His Grace is Enough

Jefferson's favorite song on KLOVE is Your Grace is Enough. During this Thanksgiving time the words of this song have been flooding my spirit. I'm really trying to cling to the fact God is all I need. I am so guilty of relying on Him only when I need something instead of a daily friendship with a God who always has my best interest in mind. Since we moved a year and a half ago I've really struggled with lonliness. I know this sounds silly because I could make a huge list of friends that I have. For some reason it's different. For those of you who have known me for any length of time know that I'm a people pleaser. I want people to like me. I love doing things for people. I love for people to need me. The problem is I try too hard. That's when I get hurt. It's hard to come to terms with the fact that some friends are only in your life for a season. When we moved relationships changed and I don't like that. But me being me tries to hold on and keep things the same and just get hurt over and over. So I come back to the lyrics of that song, "God I see your grace is enough, I'm covered in your love, Your grace is enough for me." I have to learn to let go. I'm not in control, but I'm covered in His love and that's enough.


cmjj said...

Thanks for that was very encouraging. I, too, need to remind myself of God's grace being sufficient at all times.

Melissa said...

I think it is better to be a friend like you and to get hurt than to just love halfway. Would I trade those 10 yrs of my life we were talking about tonight? No way...they were some of the best and most rewarding. Though the end hurt(s), I wouldn't go back and refuse those yrs. Love you, friend! You are truly one of the best!

Matt and Rebekah said...

You know what's great about a friend like you? Although at one time it seemed like our friendship was only for a season; we have managed to stay in touch with each other, especially for all the really big and exciting changes! I just appreciate the fact that no matter what I've been through or what choices I've made and we all know there have been some doozies, LOL, (again His Grace is enough!) you are sure to maintain a friendship with someone who isn't always an easy to friend to have. Thanks for that! And, although we don't see each other much, I love konwing that you're in Lubbock again!

Anonymous said...

The more I read your blog the more I realize how similar we are!! I'm there with you girl- you aren't alone!!

Devon and Brooke said...

i guess it helps to figure out that life will probably always be hard in one way or another...but we can rely on the Lord to be there for us always. love you!

sastroope said...

I will agree with you that God's grace is enough at all times. I will also agree with you that loneliness is a very real feeling and that it can especially be hard during the holidays. I would encourage you however to examine the ways that you feel hurt by others (even to the point of approaching those who hurt you), and examine the reasons for your loneliness so that you may correct things, re-fuel some areas, and live life to the fullest. The feeling and thought that God's grace is enough is good and true, however it doesn't always mean that we have to be still once we realize that He is enough. Sometimes it means that we meditate on what God's grace means to us and how we can share that with someone else. Sometimes it means that we have to figure out if we have filled our lives with things that are not of Him or His grace and if there is some purifying needed, and sometimes it does require that we remember that if we have pleased our friend ( I know all to well since my wife is a pleaser too) at the expense of not pleasing our Lord then we need to shift our focus back on the pleasure and giving glory to God. I hope you and your sweet family have a wonderful Christmas and that loneliness will the furthest thing from your mind since Christ is the ultimate father and friend.