Friday, February 6, 2009


So, today I got the boys home from school and Brett fixed them lunch. We went through our normal routine of not being silly at the table. I was complaining about not feeling well and irritated that Brett left me no lunch meat. I had to eat PB&J. Then the doorbell rang and my perspective changed. At the door was a man asking to rake our leaves. He told me he had been laid off from his job and that he and his wife were staying in a cheap motel. He wanted to rake the leaves so he could be tomorrow's hotel bill. I asked Brett and he said yes. Brett told the man that if he raked the front and back yard we would pay him enough to cover 2 nights at the hotel plus some money to eat on. This man was so grateful. I fixed him a sandwich (PB&J, of course) and gave him a banana and water. He told Brett, "You must have read my mind." I'm so teary just writing this. The man had such a positive attitude and was willing to rake my leaves and eat a peanut butter sandwich. God has blessed us tremendously and we often take it for granted. I have a wonderful husband, beautiful children, a great home, etc. This helped remind me that I need to embrace those blessing everyday. Thank you God for all you've given us!


cmjj said...

Isn't that funny how those things always happen? What a precious story...made me tear up just reading it!

Melissa said...

See...God used you mightily and gave you something to post about. Maybe we should all ask for that more often. Love you guys.

The Junods said...

Wow...thank you for the reminder. What a blessing you were! I'm always so forgetful of our blessings. At this time when security is focused on finances...I need to always be reminded of what I've been blessed with and who my security is really in! Thank you again!