Thursday, March 19, 2009

Spring Break at the Berridge's

Happy Spring Break to all!

I know that not everyone gets to spend the week of spring break taking it easy, but those of us in the teaching profession relish the chance to take a week to recharge the batteries and get some long-needed household projects finished (or maybe just a little more started than before...)

Amongst the much needed times of R&R, we have been harping on a little 2 year-old to begin using "the facilities." That's right... potty training!

Beginning on the second day of PT (because we aren't even going to talk about the dreadful first day) he pretty much got the hang of it and didn't have any accidents; thanks to the good folks at M&M's and Dum Dums for the bribery materials. Of course, there have been couple of days since with a few more accidents than others, but overall he's doing a great job. We're a little anxious about sending him to school in undies next week... but he ought to be doing great by then... right?

Wish us luck in the rest of this endeavor and have a spectacular rest of Spring Break!


cmjj said...

Sounds like he's doing great!!! It will be fine :) If it makes you feel any better, Jaron was almost 4 by the time he was ready to potty train!!!!!

The Junods said...

I really think PT is the hardest thing I've had to do yet! I can't wait til Barrett is out of diapers. I feel for you and hope for the best this week at school. I think it helps usually. At least you don't have to deal with it for a few hours :). Those teachers know what they signed up for when they wanted to teach this age. Don't worry a thing about it. I might be asking for help when its time for Barrett. Hang in there!

Kelli Archer said...

How is it going, now? Grayson is doing terrific, but I was soooo scared to send him to PDO in undies. I hope it is going well!